02 September 2009

A Good Feeling..

Last night I had the opportunity to see Freemasonry in many ways. The night started out at our Salt Lake City Freemasons Meet-up in the Chili's on 4th South in downtown Salt Lake City. We had a great turnout. We had to continually add to the table by pulling more tables over. By the time I left around 7.00pm the tables stretched nearly 20 feet. The mix of Masons and non-Masons alike was wonderful to see. All sorts of conversations were going on. Two fellows were filling out their petitions. One fellow was being investigated, another showed up again after being absent some 6 months. A Brother just popped in after being in Turkey all Summer. The energy was great. The feeling was great. Freemasonry lives.

Later at the Masonic Temple in Salt Lake City in my capacity as a Grand Lodge Officer I had the opportunity to visit Argenta Lodge No. 3 at the lodge's Regular Stated September Meeting. Also the opportunity was made to poke my head into Kaibab Lodge No. 25 before they started and visit with those fellows briefly and then to stop by upstairs and say hello to my Prince Hall Brethren of High Marine Lodge PHA before the gavels all fell at 7.30pm.

The meetings seemed all well attended even though it being Summers end. The educational at Argenta got the brain going.

I had a good feeling as I sat their all dressed in my Grand Lodge digs. A good feeling. Sometimes in Grand Lodge you just don't get "that" but last night it was there..

That's All.



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